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Locatia Hotelului Ibis - Palatul Parlamentului a fost alesa strategic pentru a putea satisface atat clientii care se afla in capitala in interes de afaceri, cat si pe cei care sunt in scop turistic, fiind la cateva minute de mers pe jos de majoritatea obiectivelor importante din centrul vechi si de un nod important al mijloacelor de transport in comun de unde se poate urmari orice directie a orasului.

pret special pentru artistii conventiei, foloseste codul: ''artist la conventia de tatuaje 2016''


Adresa email:

Telefon: 021 401 10 11 – rezervari



Location Ibis - Parliament Palace was chosen strategically to satisfy both customers who are in the capital on business, and those who are a tourist, being a few minutes walk from the most important objectives of the center old and an important hub of transportation means by which to follow any direction of the city.

Special price for artists.

code: ''artist in tattoo convention 2016''



Phone: 004021 401 10 11